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Could Tight Fascia Around Muscle Be the Cause of Bad Posture?


One of the primary services that we provide at our Wellness Center is myofascial mobilization and release techniques.  While there are many muscular dysfunctions that can occur as a result of fascial adhesions or restriction, one area that is of particular interest to me as a Chiropractor, is its potential to affect a person’s posture.  Postural screening and correction is a large part of the treatment plan that I utilize to assist people in correction of musculoskeletal issues, and to help them get on the path to a Wellness Based Lifestyle.

The fascia is simply a thin, yet strong, connective tissue that surrounds every muscle in the body.  It also surrounds the organs, vessels, bone, and everything else in the body, yet I am most concerned with that around the muscles.  The techniques that I utilize help to correct issues with it around the muscles, which can also have a positive impact on organ functioning and overall health.  The fascia is also slightly elastic, and allows the muscles and organs to slide smoothly over top of one another.  

In terms of its potential affect on posture, the fascia is ideally the same length as the muscle that it surrounds.  After an injury, or with some inflammatory process, the fascia may shorten and thicken.  This is similar to the formation of scar tissue.  This shortening and thickening can lead to the fascia covering of one muscle to stick or “adhere” to the fascia of another muscle or structure in the body.  With this comes a decrease in range of motion, and a limitation of circulation and lymphatic flow in the region.  With adhesions also comes the likelihood that the stretch receptors in the muscle and fascia will send signals through the nervous system causing a contraction of the muscle even more.  This is how fascial adhesions can trigger pain in the body.

When a muscle is stretched (from constant contraction that it) for long periods of time, the shortening of the fascia occurs.  This structurally limits the range of a muscle’s ability to lengthen.  When a person tries to stretch the muscle, their attempts to lengthen the muscle often result in very limited success and a great deal of discomfort.  It is in this way that a person with poor posture finds it difficult and painful to assume a more upright and correct posture.  Therefore, the technique of Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization, which frees up fascia restrictions and adhesions, is a long term solution to postural issues caused from fascia adhesions.  This combined with Chiropractic corrections to the spine, and exercise rehabilitation, allows us to address the root cause of postural imbalance and the painful dysfunction that often times results from it.  

The only way to determine if there are issues with your posture, and then whether fascia adhesion and restriction could be the culprit, is to schedule a visit with us or another healthcare provider that provides the same services.  We’d love to have you become a part of the family and to join The Wellness Revolution here at Prana Chiropractic and Wellness Center so contact us today and learn WHY we are different!

In Wellness and Love,

Dr. Chris

Prana Chiropractic and Wellness



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