It never ceases to amaze me how truly miraculous and amazing that the human body is. If you ever for a second doubt how special you are, then just think about some of these fun facts that I want to share with you guys in today’s post:
- Each day, we take about 23,000 breaths
- Most of the 3,000,000 pain receptors in the human body, are found in the skin
- In a 30 year period, our ears grow close to ¼ of an inch
- Each day, we blink our eyes more than 9,000 times
- In a finger-nail sized patch of skin, there is up to 600 sweat glands
- The average adult has enough iron inside of their body to make a 1 inch long nail
- Each drop of blood contains close to 5,000,000 red blood cells
The coolest fact yet, no two of us are the same! We are each a unique person, which makes us irreplaceable! Think about this: you had a 1 in 4,000,000,000,000 chance of being created and expressing life!!! I hope these facts were as interesting and fun for you, as they were for me putting this little post together.
In Wellness and Love,
Dr. Chris
Prana Chiropractic and Wellness